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11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
Epocware Handy Converter v2.07 S60v5.SymbianOS9.4.incl.K@ygen-HSpda
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Handy Converter is your all-in-one currency and unit conversion solution for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music. Handy Converter lets you save your time and money, especially abroad, by professionally performing various currency calculations and units of measure conversion right on your mobile screen! Whether you are on business trip or vacation, leave the calculations to Handy Converter!

Handy Converter for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music allows you to:

Quickly and easily convert given amount to up to 3 foreign currencies at the same time!
New! Choose Currency Rates provided by Federal Reserve System of USA, Bank of Canada, European Central Bank or Russian Central Bank.
Take into account not only the specific rates, but commission as well with Handy Converter for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music ! No more extensive calculations in front of exchange booth.
Don’t be confused by different measure systems any more! Handy Converter will provide you with a certain number of the most frequently used measures you can come across: length, weight, temperature, speed, area, volume…
Convert different types of size: clothes, shirts and shoes from 7 main international scales. All measures are converting separately for men, women, and kids.

Supported languages:
Bulgarian, Chinese HK, Chinese PRC, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Serbian, Swedish, Thai , Turkish, Ukrainian.

Tested and screenshot by moco! Thanks!
http://www.ipmart-forum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=458236&stc=1&d=1229626578 http://www.ipmart-forum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=458239&stc=1&d=1229626757

11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
Epocware Handy Safe Pro v1.01.19 S60v5.SymbianOS9.4.Reg ged

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

Handy Safe Pro for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music is a perfect assistant for secure and convenient data managing. Keep your mind free from countless numbers and letters. Have all of your important information in one place, safe, easy to access, and always with you with Handy Safe Pro for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music. Handy Safe Desktop Professional agent included enables you to synchronize your information between smartphone and PC.

Handy Safe Pro features

Store passwords, credit cards details, user names, codes, accounts (email, Internet, shopping, bank), web pages, addresses, travel info, insurance policies, software keys and much more.
35 unique information forms to store everything on your smartphone.
Custom templates to store specific information according to your needs.
Strong 448-bit data encryption (Blowfish) keeps your data private and secure. There is no effective codebreaking on Blowfish known publicly as of now.
New! URLs are treated as hyperlinks
New! Subfolders support
New! Possibility to restore items in case of accidental deleting
New! Autolock when Handy Safe is in background or if you don’t use Handy Safe for a certain period of time

Tested and screenshots by moco! Thanks!
http://www.ipmart-forum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=458280&stc=1&d=1229629591 http://www.ipmart-forum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=458281&stc=1&d=1229629591

11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
Epocware Handy Profiles.v1.06(1).S60v5.SymbianOS9.4.incl.K@ygen-HSpda

Handy Profiles software for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music will solve these problems for you. This new utility for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music will change your understanding of phone profiles. Handy Profiles automatically switches profiles according to the rules you set.

http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/4656/5800handyprofiless605ensq1.png (http://img68.imageshack.us/my.php?image=5800handyprofiless605ensq1.png)

Use Pager profile at your office? Configure Handy Profiles and it will automatically activate Pager profile while you are at your office (using GSM cells).

Use Meeting profile during business meetings? Add your meetings to phone’s Calendar application and Handy Profiles will automatically activate Meeting profile for the meeting times.

Do not want to be bothered by phone calls at night? Configure Handy Profiles and it will activate Silent profile, when you are asleep.

Going out to the cinema or theatre? Use timed profile activation for a movie time and Handy Profile will activate General profile, when the movie ends.

Handy Profiles software for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music extends possibilities of your smartphone profiles, using 3 types of rules:

Location rule – a profile is activated, when you are at a specific location (e.g. office, gym, or home).

Time interval rule – a profile is activated for the time you set (e.g. since midnight till 7 o’clock).

Calendar entry rule – a profile is activated, when a Calendar event with specified keyword (e.g. meeting) takes place.

You can set one or several rules for each profile.

NEW!!! A short press of the phone's Power button starts Handy Profiles. A long press turns off the phone as usual.

Handy Profiles software for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music allows you to completely configure smartphone profiles, saving you a lot of time. Set your Handy Profiles once and one of your daily routines will be solved.

Supported languages
Bulgarian, Chinese HK, Chinese TW, Chinese PRC, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Serbian, Swedish, Turkish.

11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
Epocware Handy Taskman.v2.02.S60v5.SymbianOS9.4.incl.K@ygen-HSpda

Be in full control of your smartphone with Handy Taskman easy and quick!

http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/9229/5800handytaskmans605en1or7.png (http://img528.imageshack.us/my.php?image=5800handytaskmans605en1or7.png)

* Find and start the desired application by typing the first letters of its name.
* Create shortcuts in the Favorites list to start applications, call or send SMS to the Contacts with just one click.
* Run Handy Taskman by pressing and holding Menu button (like the built-in Task manager).
* Get full information about running programs and free memory left on the phone (RAM, Phone memory and Memory card).
* Switch to, Close, Kill any application or Close them all in one click.

Supported languages:

Bulgarian, Chinese HK, Chinese TW, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish.

11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
Advanced Phone Lock v1.02.2x.S60v5.SymbianOS9.4.Unsigned.Cr@cked-BiNPDA


Advanced Phone Lock is an integrated locker service which allows you to lock any application from your smartphone. Nobody can use the locked applications without to know the password. You can lock any important application which stores sensitive data for you like credit card numbers, financial data, passwords, images, sms messages or anything else important for you. The service is also able to lock the phone and keypad. When the phone is locked, you or somebody else have to enter the password in order to unlock and continue to use the phone as normally. The same password is used for any lock/unlock action in order to have an easy use.
* Applications Lock key features.

- you can select and lock as many as applications you wish.
- allows you to set the lock mode. If set on ''When shown'', the password to unlock the application is asked every time when you or somebody else try to use the locked application. If set on ''Use autolock'', the password to unlock the application is asked only the first time. The password will be asked later only after the inactivity time you have set in the settings.
- automatically closes/exits the application if you cancel to enter the password in the lock form. This saves memory for the normal phone usage.
- able to disable the lock if charging. This helps when you drive the car and you have plugged the phone in the car''s charger. If you plug-in the charger and enter the password, the applications will no more be locked as long as the charger is plugged-in. You can use the phone as normally and you will not be disturbed by the lock service while you are driving. When you plug-out the charger, the applications will automatically be locked again.
- all applications lock settings can be changed (enabled/disabled).

* Phone Lock key features.

- able to lock after the phone is powered-on (lock at boot).
- you can set an autolock period after which the phone is automatically locked (1-30 minutes).
- the phone can be locked by the long press of a key (hotkey). You can define the hotkey long press period between 1 to 10 seconds and choose the hotkey from a list.
- locks the phone if the case (slider or cover) is closed or opened.
- able to lock the keypad also when the phone is locked.
- disable the phone lock if charging. This works similar like for the applications lock described above.
- all phone lock settings can be changed (enabled/disabled).
- When started the first time, you need to enter the default password which is 1234. You can change the password from the main menu.
- Using Advanced Phone Lock, it is strongly recommended you lock the ''Installer'' and the ''Applications Manager'' built-in applications in order to prevent unauthorised persons to uninstall any application (including Advanced Phone Lock).

11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
Beijing Mobile Security Technology MCleaner v1.4.1 S60v5.OS9.4.Unsigned.BiNPDA
MCleaner is a firewall software developed for intelligent mobile phones, which can reject the incoming call and SMS, and offer mobile phonehttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/mag-glass_10x10.gif users an overall safety solution.
MCleaner is powerful mobile phone firewall software, which is capable of not only shielding phone calls but also rejecting SMS. The set-up is very simple, and you will get rid of all the unwanted incoming calls and SMS. It has got many unique features as follows:

-----The only mobile phone firewall software can support all types of messages and incoming calls based on Symbian S60 all over the world.
-----The only mobile phone firewall software can provide complete sets of Linux platform services all over the world.

powerful SMS/MMS filter

MCleaner supports SMS/MMS/wap push/wap bookmark filters, with an omni-directional filtration mechanism.
It keeps users free from junk SMS, with a combination of five filter options information, covering white list, black list, mobile phone address list, service information, unknown information etc.
It provides multiple processing methods for information rejection, such as Reply, Restore, Delete, etc, and enables users to process all junk information with ease

flexible incoming call rejection

It keeps users free from unwanted incoming call, with a combination of five filter options information, covering white list, black list, PH. book, number unobtainable, unknown incoming call, etc.
For incoming calls rejected, it has four settings, such as "Phone Busy", " Mute Ring", "Busy and Reply SMS", or "Divert Calls to", etc, so as to enable users to reject unwanted incoming calls upon their own needs.
For the rejected incoming calls, "a responsive SMS after rejecting the calls" could reply a SMS preset automatically which fully embodies its people-oriented set-up.

Schedule Management

It enables users to reject incoming call/SMS/MMS at a specified period, instead of at any other time, which brings users great convenience to quickly set their mobile phones according to their own time schedule, such as meeting, driving, shopping, taking a rest, etc.

Profile mode

Under this mode, it has 9 types of fast-setting rejection modes available, such as "Normal","Accept All","Block All"Accept Contacts","Accept Whitelist","Block Black list","Filter Message","Filter Call","Schedule", users may set the Profile upon their own needs.

Real background mode

It is software highly integrated into your mobile phone system. Once your mobile phone is powered on, it automatically runs the programs in a background mode, and provides your mobile phone with a real-time protection. There is no need to manually turn on or hide this program all along, for the program only occupies a very small amount of system resources.

other functions(Miscellaneous)

Complete record of incoming call/SMS rejected. Incoming call/SMS rejected has no record in the mobile system, but is saved in the record of rejection. The method to view the record of rejection is similar to that of the system inbox, and it allows directly picking up number to reply call or SMS.
With password protection, all records of calls and SMS rejected may be saved in mobile phone safely.
Users may hide all records of dial-out/SMS related to black list with the function to hide SMS log.
White list/black list manually set-up, or input from address book/inbox/call log.
Attached Imageshttp://www.ipmart-forum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=459596&stc=1&d=1230151465

11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
Epocware Handy Expense v3.02 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 incl K@ygen-HSpda
Epocware Handy Expense v3.02.S60v5.SymbianOS9.4 incl K@ygen-HSpda

Handy Expense application allows you tracking your expenses, when you are in a business trip or even on your holiday.

When you are back, you can transfer your expenses to Microsoft Excelhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/mag-glass_10x10.gif and claim them back from your company.

With Handy Expense you can dramatically reduce the time spent on creating expense reports and the amount of non-reported expenses.

Supported languages:
Arabic, Bulgarian,Chinese HK, Chinese TW, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.

Tested and screenshots by moco22! Thanks!
http://www.ipmart-forum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=459910&stc=1&d=1230286301 http://www.ipmart-forum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=459911&stc=1&d=1230286301

11-07-2012, 01:51 PM
Change Font S60v5 SymbinOS 9.4


The font you see in the screenshot is Chinacat, below you can download it...

Below explained how to change the font in the latest cellular 5th Edition, the test was carried out and completed successfully on a Nokia 5800

This phone is equipped with a platform of symbian last generation, and if the current 3rd could use FontRouter here we go backward, we change the character through the most classic you know and that is also used in the 3rd before the program

1-Pc create a folder called Fonts (I recommend the usual F capitalized) inside the Font folder copy the fonts 4 times the same ttf as below..

2 - now we should rename the 4 files in this way

3-After that connect our phone to PC via cable mode of mass archive and copy this folder you created on your memory card, specifically in the E / resource

4-Restart and you have the font changed

11-07-2012, 01:51 PM
Cập nhật ứng dụng hệ thống và ứng dụng tiện ích cho dòng máy S60 5th