View Full Version : AutoThemes.v1.3.0 - pm tự động thay đổi theme

01-04-2013, 01:30 PM
AutoThemes.v1.3.0.-reg no--00000.AutoThemes will change themes for you automatically, according to the active profile or at the exact time chosen.AutoThemes will add totally new experience to your mobile usage. Now you can express your personality or your mood with your mobile using automatic theme changer.
There is no limit to mobile personalization with themes changer. Black theme at daytime and white theme at night? Or sexy red theme in the evening?… Dull grey theme on Monday and joyful blue sea theme on Friday? And a peaceful green theme during silent profile, of course!
This all is possible now with AutoThemes, with NO ACTION from your side.
A sample rules list could look like this:
Monday, 9:00 - grey theme (the week have begun)
On Meeting profile - black theme (let my partner see my cool mobile)
Monday to Friday, 13:00 - lunch theme (it is time to eat)
Monday to Thursday, 18:00 - freestyle theme (it is time to rest!)
Tuesday and Saturday, 19:00 - sport theme (going to gym)
Friday, 17:00 - weekend theme
Daily, 22:00 - sexy theme
On Silent profile - calm green theme
Now your mobile will always be adjusted to your lifestyle.
AutoThemes in Use: Rules for Themes Changehttp://atalantos.mobile9.com/download/wmpreview/443/1273838639.jpg

01-04-2013, 01:30 PM
cho key đi bạn. dùng được có 10 ngày thui

01-04-2013, 01:30 PM
Thử đăng ký bằng 5 số không ( 00000 ) thử xem sao ha bạn.

01-04-2013, 01:30 PM
anh can on em hy vong minh lam ban