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Cũ 31-05-2013, 04:54 PM
kmibiz kmibiz đang online
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Tham gia ngày: Dec 2012
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Mặc định Máy phun muối kiểm tra ăn mòn vật liệuSalt Spray TestersMáy phun muối kiểm tra ăn mòn vật liệuSalt Spray Testers

Buồng phun sương muối kiểm tra ăn mòn vật liệu - Salt Spray Testers

Additional Info

Salt Spray tester Vexus SST series

LCD touch screen controller supports the continuous and intermittent testing.
Refilling water automatically when water level is insufficient.
The whole part of the device is made of Excellent PVC sheet and the inside of the device is reinforced by using a special lining material. Hence, it is sturdily made and will not transform forever.
The test chamber is heated from five directions in order to ensure the temperature difference in the chamber must be kept within±1 Celsius degree.
Spray nozzle: The nozzle is specially made to enable it to suck up the salt Water and then spray it out in the shape of mist with considerable high speed. When it falls on the surface of the item being tested , the difference of fallen mist must be controlled within±0.3ml per 80 square centimeter H.
HUNTER PRINCIPLE is used to make the saturated air hot and moist and to keep the humidity in the test chamber required for test.
  • Interior Volume: 108L, 270L, 480L, 800L, 1440L
  • Working Temperature Range: RT+10℃~60℃
  • Temperature Range of the Chamber: NSS ACSS 35℃±1℃ / CASS 50℃±1℃
  • Temperature Range of Saturated Air Tank: NSS ACSS 47℃±1℃/CASS 63℃±1℃
  • Temperature deviation: ≤2.0℃
  • Accuracy of Temperature: ±1℃

Salt Spray Tester ST series

Digital Display Time Controller 9.9S-9990HR ANLY AH5R.
Refilling water automatically when water level is insufficient.
The whole part of the device is made of Excellent PVC sheet and the inside of the device is reinforced by using a special lining material. Hence, it is sturdily made and will not transform forever.
The test chamber is heated from five directions in order to ensure the temperature difference in the chamber must be kept within±1 Celsius degree.
Spray nozzle: The nozzle is specially made to enable it to suck up the salt Water and then spray it out in the shape of mist with considerable high speed. When it falls on the surface of the item being tested , the difference of fallen mist must be controlled within±0.3ml per 80 square centimeter H.
HUNTER PRINCIPLE is used to make the saturated air hot and moist and to keep the humidity in the test chamber required for test.
Temperature is the pre-requisite condition that will have direct impact on corrosion rate . We use PID temperature control unit to limit the temperature difference within the range of ±1Celsius degree.
  • Interior Volume: 108L, 270L, 480L, 800L, 1440L
  • Working Temperature Range: RT+10℃~60℃
  • Brine concentration: 5%
  • Humidity Range: 95%~98% R.H
  • Salt fog Fall-out Rate: 1~2mL/80cm2 / hr
  • Pressure of Air Compressor: 1 ± 0.1kg /cm2
  • Temperature sensor: Platinum Resistance (PT-100)

Sales Manager: Mr. Thao
- Mob.: 0983 113 188
- Email: thao(a)thietbinamduong.com
- Redundancy: vudaothao(a)gmail.com
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