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Cũ 13-07-2012, 04:33 PM
eubia eubia đang online
Senior Member
Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 136
Mặc định Pikkoo Screensaver Manager v0.9.3 S60v3 S60v5

Pikkoo Screensaver Manager v0.9.3 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned *******-TgSPDA

Phần mềm tạo màn hình chờ cho 5800 /N97

Đối với Dòng S60 5th này Nokia đã loại bỏ chế độ screensaver trên Nokia 5800. Và đây là cách để giúp bạn kích hoạt tính năng Flash Lite, dùng file *.swf để làm screensaver bằng ứng dụng Pikkoo Screensaver Manager.

http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/417...enshot0005.jpg http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/148...nshot0004d.jpg

Pikkoo Screensaver Manager‘ v0.9.2 is the latest outstanding application just out for the Symbian S60 v3 and Symbian S60 V5 phones like Nokia 5800 and forthcoming Nokia N97.
Pikkoo enables anyone to create, download and share interactive mobile screensavers and wallpapers for free.

Mobile screensavers and wallpapers are very popular, reaching millions of screens every day; however the technology is very old and does not offer any functionality.
Utilizing Adobe Flash Lite and Kuneri technologies, Pikkoo makes personalization and interaction possible, supporting all handsets available today.
Using Pikkoo, anyone can easily design their own content, then share it with their friends via popular social utilities like Facebook and MySpace.

More ScreenSaver :

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