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Cũ 12-04-2013, 09:10 AM
mifaco mifaco đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
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Mặc định >>>Biến symbian thành... PPC<<< :)

Active.Today.v2.10 for 6600 &...
Active.Today.v2.10 for N-gage,3650...
---Do phần mềm này rất hay nên mình post thêm ngoài này 1 lần nữa. Soft có chức năng tao giao diện cho symbian như ... O2 , có thể tạo phím tắt ngoài màn hình stanby và thay đổi hình nền...vô tư , chỉ còn thiếu cây viết để chọt nữa là thành...PPC thiệt rùi ---
(Có thể tiêu đề rất hot, if thấy kg phù hợp..các bạn đừng chấp nhứt nhé )

Active Today is a fantastic one-page personalized desktop providing an overview of today's information and quick access to your key applications on the Nokia 7610/6600/36x0 & SX1. The Active Today desktop can be viewed in two modes - normal or full screen, with full customization of background, font, and text colours.
Active Today gives you a convenient and functional phone desktop that allows you to view today's calendar and to-dos, summary of messaging information, and allows you to configure five shortcuts to favourite applications or websites. New calendar entries, to-dos, and messages can be created directly using Active Today.
The application allows full customization of the display - including choosing a background wallpaper and text font and colors, with an amazing full screen mode for additional personalization.
Additional features include an automatic keypad lock and setting the operator logo on the phone.

Special Active Today Features
Use the joystick to toggle right and left to scan calendar and to-do information for other days. You can quickly return to today's date using the 'Go to Today' menu option.
A summary of your key messaging information is displayed, with context sensitive launching of the messaging application when opened from Active Today, taking you straight to new messages. Specify five favourites to appear on the bottom of the page, and adjust the icon size to suit your preferences.
Phone Integration
Active Today is fully integrated with the phone, and acts as a third "home" application. When Active Today is running the Menu key will switch between Active Today, the Phone application, and the Menu application. You can also set Active Today to toggle only between Active Today and the Menu application.
Task Switcher
Active Today includes an enhanced task switcher for the Nokia 7610/6600/36x0 & SX1. The utility is invoked by pressing and holding the Menu key, and displays a list of the applications currently running on the phone, and their memory usage. The built-in Nokia Task Switcher can also be used.
Active Today is now available in English, US English, Italian, German, Finnish, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Norwegian and Dutch. Language packs can be downloaded for free.

Active Today or Active Desk?
Active Today is an intuitive one-page desktop for the typical smartphone user who wants quick and simple access to key information and applications.
Active Desk is a powerful, full featured desktop application with five information tabs and advanced functionality for the smartphone power user.
We recommend that you demo both, and decide which one suits your mobile lifestyle
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Cũ 12-04-2013, 09:10 AM
petromekong petromekong đang online
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hichic, mấy fần mềm này thường là tốn PIN lắm, k biết có đúng k nữa
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Cũ 12-04-2013, 09:10 AM
chenfounder chenfounder đang online
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Thì chạy nền nên rất tốn đó bác, như các PM tạo Screen vậy thôi, nhưng tiện cho việc use. Cái này Nokia mới áp dụng vào phiên bản 8.0 thôi. Các đời OS7 giờ có nó cũng hay
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Cũ 12-04-2013, 09:10 AM
nhathoang nhathoang đang online
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cái này dùng cho mấy máy đời cũ thôi, em thấy mấy máy đời cao bây giờ đều có hết mà như N6681, N6680, N70, ...
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Cũ 12-04-2013, 09:10 AM
mickey mickey đang online
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thanks nhé, cái này củng hay lắm...
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Cũ 12-04-2013, 09:10 AM
dangesc dangesc đang online
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sao tui cái vô con ngage nó cứ báo preparing image hoài vậy
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Cũ 12-04-2013, 09:10 AM
cn-hcm cn-hcm đang online
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Bạn vào cài đặt chưa?
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Cũ 12-04-2013, 09:10 AM
vimexco vimexco đang online
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Để cài thử, thanks bạn cùng tên
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