WP Signal Tracker – The Overview
Creator: Mark Thompson & Eric Nelson
Product Name: WP Signal Tracker – Social Media Analytics Plugin!
Launch Date: 2013-05-23 11:00 EDT
Price: $17-$37
but if you buy at my link, the price is only $10
Discount: For 7 days they are offering WPSocialTracker at a special discounted price!
Bonuses: Checkout WP Signal Tracker Bonus Worth over $1200
What is WPSignalTracker?
We all believe of that computer programme optimisation social Sharing/Signals tend to be mixing along are as one…with a vast transfer so as to data engagement and giving turning into the first facet in organic and natural ratings! and that is why social Analytics is truly lots a lot of vital antecedently
WPSocialTracker is usually a social sign supervision dashboard of which can assist you to easily check social signal/sharing over your web site and private articles bearing on the foremost illustrious giving websites like…
WP Signal Tracker – Unique Points:
Revenue : Nothing to controvert when I say that
“high ranking high traffic= high income”
Traffic: You will get a huge traffic from not only Google Searches but also social media sources. Facebook, Twitter and Google are typical in them.
Ranking : As I mentioned above, Social Media are loved by many people and especially Google engine, so by using WP Signal Tracker, it will support effectively for your social sharing /signal campaigns. Your site looks awesome on Social media marketing, Google will love you and your site worth the highest ranking.
WP Signal Tracker – Why should you need it?
For years, Marketers have been jockeying for page #1 rankings, focused solely on backlinks.
Do you hear about the boom of Social Networks. In the past few years, a growing number of social networking sites launched, with demand growing, the network has been launched with breakneck speed. People tend to use social networks everyday at everytime.
Guess that …The future of SEO has EVOLVED and making a major shift towards CONTENT and SOCIAL SHARING.
Google and other search engines have realized that people LOVE to share content via social media.…and that measuring engagement, social sharing and social signal diversity is a better indication of what is quality content and worth of high organic rankings.
- Share buttons (like, recommend, tweet, bookmark, etc.)
- Connect buttons (Like a Facebook page, Follow on Twitter, Follow on LinkedIn, etc.)
- Social commenting
Which means that Social Signal monitoring is the NEW backlink monitoring for SEO. It’s CRAZY ? NO it’s RIGHT.
By capture trends of people’re using social networks. Mark Thompson created WP Signal Tracker.
Instead of sitting there and marveling at the boom of Social Networks, you can be its master. Enter the game. If you need a weapon,
WP signal tracker is the answer. Why? Because only when you have indication of measuring engagement, social sharing and social signal diversity can you grasp a comprehensive picture of the quality level of content and organic rankings. It’s hard to believe but Social Signal monitoring is the NEW backlink monitoring for SEO. While Social Analytics is more important than ever, as an online marketer with 4 years of experience, I strongly recommend WP Signal Tracker as the most friendly dashboard and easiest way to beat your competitors by closely monitoring your social sharing effectiveness.
Who is WP Signal Tracker works for?
WP Signal Tracker is for Anyone
Online Marketers, Offline Marketers, Product Owners, Services, Affiliate Marketers, Etc…
How to get WPSignalTracker now?
If you would to get it, you just clicking on the link below to get this Plugin and don’t miss our
Bonus Package worth over 1200$ for 20 First person. ^_^