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Cũ 27-06-2012, 02:27 PM
yuchun yuchun đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 124
Mặc định Phần mềm quản lý các tác vụ hệ thống Best Taskman

Smartphoneware Best Taskman v2.04 S60v3/S60v5 SymbianOS9.x incl-HSpda/FoXPDA

Last update: 25/01/2010

Running applications and tasks control, ability to substitute built-in system task manager or work along with it, 'Windows Alt-Tab' style task switcher, a unique way to access favorite applications (Quickstart), running processes control, and many more advanced functions to explore.

Best TaskMan shows comprehensible information about programs and processes running on the device. Unlike built-in task switcher it tells you exactly what programs are running on your smartphone and it gives you answers to the obvious ensuing questions, such as where these programs reside, memory they consume and what capabilities they use.

In addition to that you can switch between running applications, close unneeded ones, launch your favorite applications fast (quickstart) or go deeply with enhanced process viewer and installed applications list.

If you really want to know what's behind of the screen of your device and want to control it then Best TaskMan is the application for you.

Features include:
  • Task list and task switcher
  • Memory View
  • Quick start functionality
  • Integration to the system and customizable activation
  • Overview and control running applications
  • Ability to exclude applications from tasks list
  • Ability to close or kill an application
  • Customizable 'close all' command
  • Detailed information about each running application
  • Overview and control running processes
  • Ability to close or kill a process
  • Overview of the list with installed applications
What's new in v2.04:

Both S60 3rd edition and S60 5th edition are in one installation file now.
http://www.gsm.vn/forum/main/images/misc/paperclip.png Attached Fileshttp://www.gsm.vn/forum/main/images/misc/paperclip.png
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