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Cũ 16-07-2012, 01:26 PM
thanhhacfurniture thanhhacfurniture đang online
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Mặc định Thảo luận về chạy ứng dụng Window mobile trên Symbian 3rd

Red.Five.Labs.Net60.v2.0.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1.Unsign ed.Cr@cked-illusion

Run mobile .NET applications unchanged on Symbian devices


Net60 Version 2.0.0 is now available!

Net60 is the first commercial .NET Compact Framework for the Symbian OS supporting
S60 devices. Net60 opens Symbian devices to .NET development and enables developers
to benefit from the RAD capabilities of a managed coding environment.

What's New in Version 2.0.0

The latest quarterly release of Net60 includes:
- Compact Framework 2.0 support (includes generics)
- Managed support for the camera through Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms.DLL
- Self Signing in Genesis SIS builder
A new paddle game (breakout implementation) which demonstrates use of the accelerometer API

The compile, deploy and test sequence is the core iterative development cycle for software. In order to optimise the length of this cycle for developers, Red Five Labs provides the Net60 Launcher. The Net60 Launcher provides an easy alternative to run .exe's on the phone thereby circumventing the need to use the Genesis tool to create an installable .SIS each development iteration.

Steps to install the Net60 Launcher
  1. The Symbian signed Net60-debug.sisx can be found in C:\Program Files\Red Five Labs\Net60\
  2. Install the signed Net60-debug.sisx on the phone using Nokia PC Suite, or by simply double clicking it whilst the device is connected to the PC.
  3. The Net60 Launcher will now appear in the installations folder in the S60 menu.

Using the Net60 Launcher

The Net60 Launcher loads .exe binaries placed in the \\Phone Memory\Data\RedFiveLabs\Apps folder as shown in the screenshot of the directory listing below.

  1. Copy your .exe to be run into \\Phone Memory\Data\RedFiveLabs\Apps (dùng mấy file của WM đó)
  2. From the S60 menu, navigate to the "Installat." or "Applications" folder.

  3. Select the "Net60 Launcher"

  4. Select which .exe to run from the list displayed.



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Cũ 16-07-2012, 01:26 PM
thanhhungjsc thanhhungjsc đang online
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cài này chạy đc chương trình internet explorer trên winmobil ko ban?nếu chạy đc có lẽ là 1 sự đột phá :-bd
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Cũ 16-07-2012, 01:26 PM
yensaokh yensaokh đang online
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Thằng này mà chạy được tất cả các chương trình của WM thì cực hot đây. Nếu vậy thì khỏi cần sign ứng dụng nữa.
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Cũ 16-07-2012, 01:26 PM
grdoor grdoor đang online
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Vụ này có lâu rồi các pác ơi, có hướng dãn bằng tiếng Viêt luôn

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Cũ 16-07-2012, 01:26 PM
vhktuan vhktuan đang online
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cái này coi bộ "nóng hổi" àh nha.Có ai test ok thì preview 1 phát nhá
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Cũ 16-07-2012, 01:26 PM
dangquang1 dangquang1 đang online
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Cái này không cài được trên N73. Buồn thật ;
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Cũ 16-07-2012, 01:26 PM
mtcorp mtcorp đang online
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Thảo luận về chạy ứng dụng Window mobile trên Symbian 3rd
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