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Cũ 26-06-2012, 09:26 AM
anoanh anoanh đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 134
Mặc định Gif Tailor - Tạo ảnh động trên điện thoại.

GifTailor v2.12 S60v3/v5/S^3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Freeware


Gif Tailor allows you create cool glitter frame gif images with your own photos or screenshots on your handsets.
Tailor the use of GIF can easily create animated GIF files, with the following
1, * support for screen shot
2, * to import jpg / gif / png / bmp / mbm picture
3, * to save a single picture to a jpg / gif / png / bmp / mbm files (you can achieve the image format conversion)
4, * adjust animation speed can be a unified, single frame can be adjusted
5, * can be very convenient to adjust the location of the frame all gif
6, * Support watermark, transparent color to pure white (255, 255, 255), can be used to support the picture as a watermark
7, * Support for touch screen, you can drag images to the designated location
8, * adjustable output image quality
9, * GIF picture can be split
List of shortcuts:
0 to delete all the pictures
1 position in the current insert picture
3 additional one picture to the last
4 forward a current picture location
5 Save the current selected picture
6 after the current picture of a position shift
* Set the current selected picture of the delay
Preview GIF animation OK.
1, the fixed part of the phone can not use the volume keys to capture the bug
2, revised some of the phone can not properly use the file dialog bug (mainly Symbian 3 handsets)
3, to increase support for symbian ^ 3 models

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Cũ 26-06-2012, 09:26 AM
newglobalvungtau newglobalvungtau đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 117
Mặc định

chẳng hiểu gì cả.hjxhjxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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