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Cũ 13-04-2013, 09:38 AM
psh psh đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
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Mặc định Gameloft Prince Of Persia Warrior Within (NEW)

Let the warrior take over your mobile!
You play the part of the Prince, who is more mature than he was in the previous adventures. He has to confront his destiny alone and is ready to fight all the creatures who want him to die. You enter a totally original universe, with 10 levels, on board a pirate ship and within ancient palaces that are swarming with evil forces. You’ll have to confront pitiless enemies who each have different combat skills (life points, parade, aggressiveness). Crows will swoop down on you, and the axe throwers and temptresses of time will set traps for you, trying to foil your quest. But since your last adventure - The Sands of Time - you have become stronger, and your new movements enable you to develop your own fighting style. Learn to use your powers to travel through time and outsmart the traps that are laid for you. You’ll also discover the new Arena mode. In this mode, you have to eliminate as many enemies as possible. With its very high-quality graphics, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within™ plunges you into a world of action and realistic combat, with an enthralling scenario and fantastic environments!
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Cũ 13-04-2013, 09:38 AM
raytuner0717 raytuner0717 đang online
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Hình ảnh, âm thanh ổn quá. Anh em nhảy vô thui nào

Tớ up lên cho anh em dễ load nè:
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Cũ 13-04-2013, 09:38 AM
dogohuyhoang dogohuyhoang đang online
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Äây là bản má»›i của Prince Sand of Time đúng không trông hình ảnh đẹp hÆ¡n nhÆ°ng load hÆ¡i lâu.
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Cũ 13-04-2013, 09:38 AM
mifaco mifaco đang online
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game hay nhưng ngắn quá, và..khá dễ, nên hơi chán.Phải chi dài hơn tý thì hay quá.
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Cũ 13-04-2013, 09:38 AM
dwengvn dwengvn đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
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Gảme đi dộng là vậy, ngắn, dễ chơi, trò nào có hình ảnh đẹp, âm thanh hay thì ok.
Có ai chơi hết Sprinter Cell chưa? bản Chaos theory thì phải!

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