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Cũ 26-06-2012, 09:56 AM
sunduckvina sunduckvina đang online
Senior Member
Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 116
Mặc định CEALogs Explorers Tracker - ghi lại lịch trình đường đi

CEALogs Explorers Tracker v1.70 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Signed Cr@cKeD -By- R@me$h
Explorers Tracker is the only software you need to track your journey or exploration.
Explorers Tracker (ET) is the only software you need to track your journey or exploration. ET keeps a diary of your travels with notes, photos and maps, allowing you to enjoy your journey and not worry about recording where you have been and what it looked like. Data recorded by Explorers Tracker is very reliable and of a high quality enabling you to generate a perfect log from your holiday or expedition. You can also create a logbook and mileage book and even create a DVD presentation to show your family and friends on return. Our tools will link data with pictures from many cameras to show your route on Google Earth and allow you to share the setup and data with your friends. ET is not only a toy but an excellent tool that will satisfy even the professional traveller.
Symbian S60 3rd/5th Edition/S^3
What's New in This Release:-
Some Minor Bugs Are Fixed...!
New Symbian OS S^3 Added.
About Cr@cK :-
No Need To Register.
For More Information Read this PDF
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