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Cũ 26-06-2012, 01:27 PM
lanrungvt lanrungvt đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 117
Mặc định Shopping dễ dàng hơn với Tarasov Shopper

Tarasov Shopper v1.01 S60v3 FP2 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x UnSigned Cr@cKeD -By- cGiPDA
Shopper 1.0.1
Flexible shopping lists and expenses management tool for your Nokia!
Flexible shopping lists and expenses management tool. Shopper will help you create shopping lists using wide range of predefined and custom goods. Application finance statistics let you track expenses on different types of products that you buy every day, week or month.
Predefined categorized products catalog and other application functionalities provide you with significant time economy on planning and shopping itself. You can add custom goods with defined price, quantity and other parameters which make your planning process fast and easy. Use shopping lists and financial stats to discover new ways to decrease your time lost and expenses!
Main Features:
Create as many shopping lists as you want ..
Use templates, send shopping lists to your spouse in SMS or export shopping lists to calendar
Use predefined goods catalog to make shopping list creation fast and easy
Shopping lists exploring while you do shopping is like a breathe
Use Shopper financial statistics to discover how much money you spend on different type of foods
Enjoy easy and effective planning and shopping!
Requirements :
S60 3rd Edition FP2 Devices
S60 5th Edition Devices
Symbian^3 Devices
Whats New :
Some Minor Bugs Are FIXED..!
Release Type :
No Need To Register..!
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