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Cũ 28-03-2013, 09:02 AM
dangesc dangesc đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 298
Mặc định Melon Advanced SMS Preview- xem trước tin nhắn ở màn hình chủ

Melon Advanced SMS Preview v1.01.13 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Cr@cked-FoXPDA

Instant hands-free access to every new SMS
“Beep” here goes another new text message while you drive. Is it important? Does it require an immediate response? Is it just spam? Without interrupting you, Advanced SMS Preview will help you answer instantly all these questions that pop up whenever you receive an SMS.
Advanced SMS Preview (ASP) lets you give new incoming messages a quick read while you keep up with your activities at the moment: carrying out a meeting, driving, talking on the other phone, writing a memo, minding the baby... Careful of protecting your privacy, ASP gives you the extra option to disable the preview for some contacts (wife, lawyer, boss) if you feel that the contents of their messages can be sensitive.
You can check each newly arrived text message without even using your hands and decide whether you need to handle it right away with Advanced SMS Preview. Who is ASP for:
For you, who live an active life and need to stay in communication
For you, who find that paying much attention to your phone can often be inappropriate or distracting
For you, whose day starts while you are driving to work and need to stay on top of all incoming SMS's with just a glance
For you, who prioritize your messages and want to spend the least possible time fiddling with your InboxWhat are the app's features?
Instant message preview – Bubble-style popup message
User-defined timeout– You select how long the review should stay on the display (5-60sec)
With your privacy in mind– choose which messages you would rather exclude from preview (avoid previews of potentially sensitive information)
Spam opt-out – exclude SMS previews from contacts not in your phonebook
Immediate callback option – call back straight from the preview window by pressing the green receiver (“yes” key)
Direct access to the message–open the message in Inbox straight from the preview (when phone is unlocked) by tapping on it (touchscreen) or pressing the D-pad
Keypad remains locked while screen lights up– no need to lock your phone after every preview, it stays locked even when the display is lit up
Text-to-speech– get your new messages read out to you (for S60 3.2 or higher)
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