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Cũ 26-04-2013, 09:41 AM
sp sp đang online
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Mặc định X-Plane Airliner - Giả lập các máy bay hàng không đây

Games Price: $9.99 Released: Dec 11, 2008 Size: 34.5 MB Seller: Laminar Research Added to Appulo.us: Dec 18, 2008 Latest version: 9.20

Application description
This is X-Plane-Airliner, a new version of X-Plane for the iPhone that simulates Airliners and the relatively long-range, instrument-capable flying that they do.

X-Plane-Airliner comes with:

The Boeing 777: The gold standard for modern airliner design and efficiency.
The Boeing 747: The big double-decker 4-engine classic Liner of the sky.
The Airbus A-380: The largest airplane in the world, with fly-by-wire controls.
The Boeing 787: The new carbon-fiber, high-bypass, ultra-efficient harbinger of the next wave of airline travel.

The MD-80 and Boeing-737 workhorses are included as well!

As well, X-Plane Airliner gives you control of throttle, flaps, speedbrakes, and trim, giving you much more control over these incredible machines than you can get in the regular X-Plane for iPhone.

In addition to the additional flight controls, the cockpit is a full glass EFIS system, with airspeed, heading, altitude, vertical speed, Mach number, DME, and HSI with localizer and glideslope displayed in the same manner as the real airliners. As well, a moving map glass display gives you complete situational awareness as you fly, as you find in the real airliners.

The regular X-Plane for iphone has 3 airports and 4 NAVAIDs, and a flight region of about 60 by 60 miles. With X-Plane-Airliner, you get 42 NAVAIDs, 98 airports, and about 60 by 180 miles to fly in! The flight region in X-Plane Airliner spans from San Diego clear up to Edwards Air Force Base! This large flying area, combined with the 98 airports and 42 NAVAIDs, lets you practice relatively longer flights in any weather, with glass-cockpit 'EFIS' instrumentation and moving maps in the cockpit to make it all easy as you fly the Big Birds across the scenic terrain of Southern California, enjoying the view if you like to do that, or in hardball IFR conditions, using the glass instrumentation to fly the airliners down to minimums in clouds and fog and turbulence at night... or anything in between.

This is by far the most powerful app we have released for the iPhone, and we are making it available cheap for now so that everyone can get it!
New in this version Unavailable
Languages English
Requirements Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone OS 2.0 or later

Link: http://www.appscene.org/download.php?id=894145984 http://endlessapps.net/dl.php?file=x-plane-v9.20.ipa
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Cũ 26-04-2013, 09:41 AM
bongsen bongsen đang online
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Cũ 26-04-2013, 09:41 AM
dothuvan dothuvan đang online
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dán lại cho người khác bóc :-"
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Cũ 26-04-2013, 09:41 AM
vine vine đang online
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chẳng có ai cả, em bóc lần 2, rùi XÉ lun cho khỏi bóc :-")\m/
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Cũ 26-04-2013, 09:41 AM
hlfumiture hlfumiture đang online
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Game này chơi khó phết, máy bay đâm vào nhau suốt
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Cũ 26-04-2013, 09:41 AM
tongyu_vn tongyu_vn đang online
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Game này chơi khó! nhưng đồ họa thì cũng được! Cám ơn Bác Zen và các Bác nhiều!
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Cũ 26-04-2013, 09:41 AM
chenfounder chenfounder đang online
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Cái này làm giả lập vụ crash cái Air France đc đó =))
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