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Cũ 29-05-2012, 12:55 PM
vteehanoi vteehanoi đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
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Mặc định A50 --> C45

I tried to convert my Siemens A50 into a C45 with the Picture on your website. I moved the one resistor and cleared the other.
So how do I have to flash the phone? I tried to flash a fullbackup and then I createt a map and put it into the phone, but all the mobile does when i try to switch it on is "bzzzzzz".
If I flash the A50 Software again it works Wonderful but I want to make it a C45 due to have the possibility to connect it to my PC and to get the ringtones on it.
So could somebody help me??
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Cũ 29-05-2012, 12:55 PM
dogothanhhien dogothanhhien đang online
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I think you didn't full flash because after full flash and make map file it will become C45 but some time it will "blinking" and we will have the way to solve this problem.
And after full flash it to C45 you never flash it back to A50.
pls let me known what soft ware you use to full flash your fone?
best regards
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Cũ 29-05-2012, 12:55 PM
tuyetha06sg tuyetha06sg đang online
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I used "A50/C55 Wizard" and the second time "uni Siemens" to flash the phone. I used a *.bin file in both cases.
I unlocked it with "all Siemens" and I also tried to make a log and a map with "logger 4.03" and a C45 map maker...
Im not the professional Handy Flasher and i did not have a guid to do it except the phone... and so i were lucky if you could tell me how do do it right
thanks for help
regards FloPe
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Cũ 29-05-2012, 12:56 PM
vietnam vietnam đang online
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I think don't use UNI SIEMENS it can not flash for new A50 try use another tool that can flash A50.
may be try this
best regards
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Cũ 29-05-2012, 12:56 PM
dmcqngai dmcqngai đang online
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Here I am again
Now I used the program you wrote above.
I flashed with the same bin file as is did before with the other programs.
Now the only thing the handy does is "bzzzz" again.
And now i think it isn't a real fullflash in the *.bin file I used.
Perhaps you can tell me a few Web Pages where i can download real full flashes... and how to flash dem correct.
Hope you can help me
Thx for help
regards FloPe
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Cũ 29-05-2012, 12:56 PM
lananh_hiep lananh_hiep đang online
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Nobody has an idea where to get full flashes and flash them??
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