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Cũ 25-06-2012, 11:06 AM
sungeiway sungeiway đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
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Mặc định Cập nhật phần mềm có kết nối Wifi/GPRS/3G

Cập nhật phần mềm mới:
+ Dành cho các phần còn quá mới, còn nóng hổi, chưa kịp test, hoặc phần mềm nhỏ quá, ít được quan tâm => không cần tạo thread mới.
+ Chú ý: Tất cả các bài viết phải đúng thể loại: Phần mềm có kết nối Wifi/GPRS/3G nhé các bạn. (Bài viết không đúng chủ đề sẽ được chuyển đi cho đúng chổ hoặc xóa. Member cố tình post sai chủ đề sẽ bị xử lý theo đúng nội qui.
+ Chúc các bạn thảo luận vui vẻ trên tinh thần học hỏi và tôn trọng lẫn nhau.
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Cũ 25-06-2012, 11:06 AM
jmis jmis đang online
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QTStore 1.07 S60v3 S^1 S^3 SymbianOS9x Signed
Cái này giống Ovi store
QTStore is similar to Ovi store, you can download apps, games, themes, wallpapers (and more) without pay ( for this short description, i'm lazy and tired)
App menu :
1. news (new app added or QTStore client updates)
3. Update index (if you can't view an item maybe you need to update the item index, if this isn't working try restarting the app)
4. Exit
of course this is the first version, in next version i will add
* rmp patch support
* video and ringtones (maybe useful)
* multiple store support
* some stupid bug
* decent splashscreen
* other goodies
You should installed NOKIA QT v4.7.1 to run this application
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Cũ 25-06-2012, 11:06 AM
officeacc officeacc đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
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WhatsApp v2.2.27 S60v3 v5 S^3 SymbianOS9x Signed


WhatsApp Messenger is a smartphone messaging app which allows you to exchange messages with your friends and contacts without having to pay for SMS. WhatsAppmessage each other! To send and receive messages, WhatsApp utilizes your existing smartphone internet data plan: 3G/EDGE (or Wi-Fi when available)

In addition to messaging, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry WhatsApp Messenger users can send each other unlimited images, video Messenger is cross platform and available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia (beta) and yes, those phones can all and audio media messages


now supports multimedia (picture, audio, video sharing)

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Cũ 25-06-2012, 11:06 AM
jndvina jndvina đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
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Mobbler v2.10(314) S60v3v5 ^3 SymbianOS 9.x Signed
Mobbler is a Last.fm radio player and scrobbler for Symbian smartphones. It allows you to listen to your Last.fm radio stations and to scrobble tracks played using the standard music player.
Warning: Please note that the radio player functionality of Mobbler will use a lot of data. The makers of Mobbler cannot be held responsible for your phone bill.
How does it work:
● Sign up for Last.fm: First you will need a free Last.fm account.
● Enter your details: The first time you start Mobbler you should be asked for your Last.fm username and password. After that you can change your details by access the setting options in the menu or pressing the 8 key.
● Queuing Tracks: When Mobbler is running on your phone it will queue the tracks you listen to using the Nokia S60 Music Player.
● Online and Offline Modes: If you are in online mode, Mobbler will scrobble tracks played through the S60 Music Player. You will also be able to listen to Last.fm radio stations which will also be scrobbled. If you are in offline mode, tracks played though the S60 Music Player will be queued. Those queued tracks will be submitted to Last.fm the next time you switch to online mode. You can switch between online and offline mode using the Options menu.
● Starting Radio Stations: You can start a Last.fm radio station, using the Start a new station sub-menu. Please note that stating a station will stream mp3 data over your data connection. It is probably best if you only do this over WIFI or if you have an unlimited data plan with your operator. The makers of Mobbler cannot be held responsible for your phone bill. If you are in offline mode you will be asked to go into online mode before you can start the radio station.
● Export Queue to Log: If you want to avoid uploading your scrobbles to Last.fm using your phone's internet connection, and don't have wifi available, you can export the scrobble queue to a Rockbox log file. This file is saved at C:\Data\Mobbler\.scrobbler.log which you can then transfer to your PC and upload to using a uploader (these may or may not work for you).
Important NOTE:
Initially Mobbler client is completely free, but it may require a paid subscription at Last.fm depending on your location!
Change Log:
● Unavailable at the moment
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Cũ 25-06-2012, 11:06 AM
italianhome italianhome đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 121
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WhatsApp Messenger v2.6.8 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Signed
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