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Cũ 10-07-2012, 03:27 PM
spn spn đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 132
Mặc định DrJukka Y-Alarms - Báo thức.

DrJukka Y-Alarms v1.00(0)S60v3 v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned

Your Alarms is a free multialarm applications designed for OS 9.1 S60 Symbian smartphones. OS 9.1 Symbian mobile phones usually do not have the multialarm applications implemented with native software.

Y-Alarms should also work with other 3rd edition S60 smart phones as well, and has been tested with Nokia devices with OS 9.2.

This version is definetely a beta, I have tested that it works, but just with few devices, anyway, this application is also self-signed, which means that it can not have WriteDeviceData capability, and because it is missing it, you can not modify alarms made by any other application, thus you should first use the normal clock application to delete all alarms, and then use this applications to re-set them

Y-Alarms updated to version 1.00, now also available with 5 languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Finnish and Dutch.
http://www.gsm.vn/forum/main/images/misc/paperclip.png Attached Files
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