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Cũ 27-05-2013, 04:02 PM
thaomon123 thaomon123 đang online
Junior Member
Tham gia ngày: May 2013
Bài gửi: 11
Mặc định Webinar Express Reviews

Product name: Webinar Express

Product type: WP Plugin

Industry: Webinars, Affiliate Marketing, List Building

Price: $27 – $67

Bonus: Product Review Huge Bonus Packages worth over $1200

Webinar Express is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to register and conduct webinars using any live video feed like Google Hangouts and UStream.
Instead of paying $500 a month for a GoToWebinar account, utilize this powerful plugin of which includes:

Customizable Registration Templates
AR Integration (Facebook Connect Option)
Live Webinar Templates
Q&A / Chat Features
Video Feed Embed
Replay Templates (w/ Countdown Timer)
Call to Action Buy Buttons
In-Webinar Social Sharing (Google Contacts, Google , Facebook “Invite Your Friends to the Webinarâ€)
Attendee Reports
Webinar Express Review – Overview
I do not recommend you to visit the official site without reading my review, because this is one of the most thorough and objective reviews you can see out there.

As you know, the product named Webinar Express, and it was created by one of the greatest super Marketer. Let me introduce him to you.

WebinarExpress – About The Author

Webinar Express was created by Mark Thompson and his partner (Anthony Devine, Dylan Jones). They have been researched on that product for almost 1 years for making it bigger and better along the way. Most of his products were sold crazily, such as: Longtailpro, BonusPress, IntelliTheme, WP4FB 2.0 and List Eruption 2.0. You can go Google and check them, I didn’t lie you. And I think WebinarExpress is not an exception.

So what is WebinarExpress?

WebinarExpress is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to register and conduct webinars using any live video feed like Google Hangouts and UStream.

Instead of paying $500 a month for a GoToWebinar account, utilize this powerful plugin of which includes:

Customizable Registration Templates
AR Integration (Facebook Connect Option)
Live Webinar Templates
Q&A / Chat Features
Video Feed Embed
Replay Templates (w/ Countdown Timer)
Call to Action Buy Buttons
In-Webinar Social Sharing (Google Contacts, Google , Facebook “Invite Your Friends to the Webinarâ€)
Attendee Reports
Click here to see WebinarExpress in Action
WebinarExpress – 2 Option for your choices
OTO #1: Developer Rights

Developer Rights will allow the member to utilize Webinar Express on unlimited personal sites AND client sites.

OTO #2: WebinarExpress Masterclass

A video training series that teaches users the secrets we have used to generated $500,000 in webinar sales over the last year. Everything from setting up a registration page, conducting live webinars, how to sell/close, affiliate promotional tools and follow up sequences.

The weak points and advantages of WebinarExpress
The price of $27 – $67 may be relatively expensive for the beginners, but if you really want to build a successful business, you will certainly receive much more than it.

Remember, the price increases every 10 sales, so go and grab your copy NOW for the lowest price possible.

However, the softwares are easy to use and require no technology or programming skills.

I appreciate your patient to read here. My review has shown you all the inside and outside information about WebinarExpress .I am sure that WebinarExpress is the best choice for everyone who want to make cash flow from internet business. “A success depend so much on the decision†and now this is a time for you to give a decision!

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